Green Valley



School calendar

Here you will find all the important dates for the school year: school days, vacations, special events and more. We are excited for everything this year has in store, from learning moments to enriching activities and exciting projects.

We hope you find this calendar helpful in organizing your schedules and staying on top of all school activities. We are always here to support our students and their families every step of the way.

Together we will make this year a wonderful time of growth and discovery!


Here you will find all the important news, announcements and messages we share to keep our educational community informed and connected. Explore this section to stay up to date with the latest school news, event highlights, reminders and any relevant communications.

Our goal is to provide a clear and accessible channel for parents, students and school staff to easily access essential information. We always strive to maintain open and transparent communication, and this space is the meeting point where we share everything you need to know.

We invite you to check this section regularly so you don’t miss any important updates. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to provide you with the best experience in the GVS School community.

Thank you for being part of our educational journey!


We value the importance of the school uniform as a way to foster unity, respect and a sense of belonging. Our uniform policy focuses on comfort, practicality and school identity.

Our uniform reflects our standards of dress, promoting an environment of equality and focus on learning. We believe that uniformed dress reduces distractions and allows our students to concentrate on their education.

We value parental involvement in the enforcement of our uniform policy, and we appreciate your support in ensuring that students come prepared and proud to represent Green Valley.

Education policy

Our mission is to provide an enriching educational environment that goes beyond mere teaching. We are committed to cultivating a space based on mutual respect and solidarity, celebrating diversity and understanding among all.

We promote challenging learning and teacher support to achieve academic excellence, while striving to develop social, emotional and ethical skills in our students, preparing them to be responsible citizens.


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